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Service Description: Aurora GIS Open Data web service
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Dynamic Legend
Dynamic All Layers
Public Art And Facilities (0)
Recreation Facilities (1)
Schools (2)
Police Stations (3)
Marijuana Retail Licenses (4)
Fire Stations (5)
Certificate of Occupancy (6)
Benchmark Points (7)
Section Corners (8)
Address Points (9)
Waterways (10)
Quarter Sections (11)
Section Lines (12)
Trails (13)
Railroads (14)
Street Centerlines (15)
Easements (16)
Urban Renewal Areas (17)
Fire Districts (18)
Section Lines Poly (19)
Zoning (20)
PROS - OSNR Chemical Trimming (21)
City Council Wards (22)
PROS - OSNR Mow Linetrim Areas (23)
Master Plans (24)
Airport LDN (25)
Buckley APZ Polygons (26)
HOAs (27)
Parks And Open Space 28 - Filler (28)
Lakes (29)
Police Beats (30)
Parcels (31)
Subdivisions (32)
Annexations (33)
Liquor Licenses (34)
PROS - OSNR Bathymetric Contours - AuroraRes 2015 (35)
Businesses (36)
Hospitals (37)
Police Area Representatives (38)
Intergovernmental Agreements (39)
Right of Way (40)
City Limits (41)
Police Districts (42)
43 - Filler (43)
Building Permits (44)
State of CO House (45)
State of CO Senate (46)
47 - Filler (47)
48 - Filler (48)
49 - Filler (49)
50 - Filler (50)
Light Rail Stations (51)
Zip Codes (52)
Title 32 Metro Districts (53)
Business Landmarks Labels (54)
Jewelry Stores (55)
Furniture Stores (56)
All Other General Merchandise Stores (57)
Shoe Stores (58)
Sporting Goods Stores (59)
Hotels and Motels (60)
Drycleaning and Laundry Services (exc Coin-Op) (61)
Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers (62)
Clothing Stores (63)
Used Merchandise Stores (64)
Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores (65)
Nail Salons (66)
Commercial Banking (67)
Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores (68)
Convenience Stores (69)
Grocery Stores (70)
Electronics Stores (71)
General Automotive Repair (72)
Religious Organizations (73)
Limited-Service Restaurants (74)
Beauty Salons and Barber Shops (75)
Full-Service Restaurants (76)
All Non-Home Businesses (77)
Address Points With Units (78)
Intersections (79)
School Districts (80)
High Schools Attendance Areas (81)
Middle School Attendance Areas (82)
Elementary Attendance Areas (83)
Traffic Counts (84)
85 - Filler - (Former Trees) (85)
State Licensed Preschools and Day Cares (86)
Hospitals and Substance Abuse Centers (87)
1000ft Buffer P-12 School Parcels and 500ft Buffer Hospital Parcels (88)
Filler - (Former - 300ft Buffer Residential and Open Zoning) (89)
Filler - (Former - 300ft Buffer Other Jurisdiction Residential and Open Zoning) (90)
E470 CACs and PDs (91)
Zoning Commercial Permitted (92)
Zoning Industrial Permitted (93)
Other Jurisdiction Residential and Open Zoning (94)
Open Zoning (95)
Residential Zoning (96)
Enterprise Zones - Special Regulations (97)
100 - PLACEHOLDER (100)
101 - PLACEHOLDER (101)
102 - PLACEHOLDER (102)
103 - PLACEHOLDER (103)
104 - Filler (104)
Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers (105)
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores (106)
Repair and Maintenance (107)
Miscellaneous Store Retailers (108)
Personal and Laundry Services (109)
Food Services and Drinking Places (110)
Rental and Leasing Services (111)
Food and Beverage Stores (112)
Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supply Dealers (113)
Administrative and Support Services (114)
Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores (115)
Gasoline Stations (116)
Credit Intermediation and Related Activities (117)
Insurance Carriers and Related Activities (118)
Ambulatory Health Care Services (119)
Health and Personal Care Stores (120)
Special Trade Contractors (121)
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (122)
General Merchandise Stores (123)
Real Estate Businesses (124)
Electronics and Appliance Stores (125)
Social Assistance (126)
Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores (127)
Food Manufacturing (128)
Wholesale Trade, Nondurable Goods (129)
Educational Services (130)
Amusement, Gambling and Recreation Industries (131)
Nonstore Retailers (132)
Performance Arts, Spectator Sports and Related Industries (133)
Accomodation (134)
Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries (135)
Religious, Grantmaking, Professional, Similar Organizations (136)
Neighborhoods (137)
Northwest Alleys (138)
Adjacent Neighborhoods (139)
City Limits Poly (140)
141 - Filler (141)
142 - Filler (142)
143 - Filler (143)
Light Rail Lines (144)
145 - Filler (145)
146 - Filler (146)
147 - Filler (147)
148 - Filler (148)
149 - Filler (149)
150 - Filler (150)
151 - Filler (151)
152 - Filler (152)
153 - Filler (153)
154 - PLACEHOLDER (154)
155 - Filler (Former Tree Planting Spaces) (155)
Building Permits 6 Months (156)
Building Permits 1 Month (157)
Walking Analysis Bus Stop (158)
Walking Analysis Lightrail (159)
Code Enforcement Violations 1 Month (160)
Code Enforcement Violations 6 Months (161)
162 - Filler (162)
163 - Filler Neighborhood Liaisons (163)
Code Enforcement Areas (164)
165 - Filler (165)
166 - Filler (166)
167 - Filler (167)
168 - Filler (168)
169 - Filler (169)
170 - Filler (170)
ESL Locations (171)
Recycling Locations (172)
173 - Filler (173)
174 - Filler (174)
175 - Filler (175)
Hospital Zoning (176)
177 - Filler (177)
178 - Filler (178)
179 - Filler (179)
Active Development Applications (180)
Building Inspections (181)
Public Improvements Permits (182)
Child Day Care Services (Non-Home Based) (183)
Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores (184)
Pawn Shops and Cash Advance (185)
Pet Care (Non-Veterinary) Services (186)
Pharmacies and Drug Stores (187)
Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars (188)
Landscaping Services (189)
Home Health Care Services (190)
Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers (191)
Golf Cart Paths (192)
Golf Course Polys (193)
Code Enforcement Complaints 1 Month (194)
Code Enforcement Complaints 6 Months (195)
Code Enforcement Complaints 1 Year (196)
Code Enforcement Proactive 1 Month (197)
Code Enforcement Proactive 6 Months (198)
Code Enforcement Proactive 1 Year (199)
Code Enforcement Secondary 1 Month (200)
Code Enforcement Secondary 6 Months (201)
Code Enforcement Secondary 1 Year (202)
CG Violation 1 Month (203)
CG Violation 6 Months (204)
CG Violation 1 Year (205)
Code Enforcement Violations 1 Year (206)
207 - Filler (207)
208 - Filler (208)
209 - Filler (209)
210 - Filler (210)
211 - Filler (211)
212 - Filler (212)
Parks Open Space 300 Foot Buffer (213)
214 - PLACEHOLDER (214)
Code Enforcement - Illegal Dumping (All) (215)
216 - PLACEHOLDER (216)
217 - Filler (Former Tree Planting Location) (217)
218 - Filler - (Former Crew Areas) (218)
219 - Filler (Former Forestry Area) (219)
220 - Filler (Former Work Areas) (220)
221 - PLACEHOLDER (221)
222 - PLACEHOLDER (222)
223 - PLACEHOLDER (223)
224 - PLACEHOLDER (224)
225 - PLACEHOLDER (225)
226 - PLACEHOLDER (226)
227 - Filler (227)
228 - PLACEHOLDER (228)
229 - PLACEHOLDER (229)
230 - PLACEHOLDER (230)
231 - PLACEHOLDER (231)
232 - PLACEHOLDER (232)
Code Enforcement - Summons (233)
234 - PLACEHOLDER (234)
235 - PLACEHOLDER (235)
236 - PLACEHOLDER (236)
237 - PLACEHOLDER (237)
238 - PLACEHOLDER (238)
239 - PLACEHOLDER (239)
240 - PLACEHOLDER (240)
Code Enforcement - Summons 6 Months (241)
242 - PLACEHOLDER (242)
243 - PLACEHOLDER (243)
244 - PLACEHOLDER (244)
Restaurant Parcels (245)
Restaurant Parcel Buffer 100ft (246)
Restaurant Parcel Buffer 175ft (247)
Restaurant Parcel Buffer 200ft (248)
Residential Zoning Buffer 50ft (249)
Food Trucks Permitted (250)
CBI Transformers (251)
CBI Utility Poles (252)
253 - FIller (253)
Code Enforcement - Summons 1 Month (254)
PROS - OSNR Bathymetric Contours - QuincyRes 2016 (255)
256 - Filler (256)
Former Zoning (pre-October 2019) (257)
CBI Utility Poles (Out of City) (258)
Short Term Rentals (259)
260 - Public Works - Snow Routes (260)
261 - Public Works - Snow Areas (261)
262 - Public Works - Sweeping Areas (262)
Community Gardens (263)
Consultant Lights Highways (264)
265 - Filler (265)
266 - Filler (266)
CBI Circuit Diagram (267)
County Ownership Parcels (268)
Forestry Areas (269)
Off Street Parking (270)
On Street Parking Program (271)
Parcels 3 Acres Plus (272)
DIA Noise Contours (273)
Survey Control (Horizontal) - Quarter Section Lines (274)
Sex Offenders (275)
State House Districts (276)
State Judicial Districts (277)
State Senate Districts (278)
State Congressional Districts (279)
Utility Patch Locations (280)
281 - Filler (281)
RTD Districts (282)
283 - Filler (283)
284 - PLACEHOLDER (284)
285 - PLACEHOLDER (285)
286 - PLACEHOLDER (286)
287 - PLACEHOLDER (287)
288 - PLACEHOLDER (288)
289 - PLACEHOLDER (289)
290 - PLACEHOLDER (290)
291 - PLACEHOLDER (291)
292 - PLACEHOLDER (292)
293 - PLACEHOLDER (293)
294 - PLACEHOLDER (294)
295 - PLACEHOLDER (295)
296 - PLACEHOLDER (296)
297 - PLACEHOLDER (297)
RTD Right of Way (298)
Utility Patch 30Day Notice (299)
Description: Aurora GIS Open Data web service
Service Item Id: 3759a1589600456886d051004f011622
Copyright Text: City of Aurora Colorado
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 3108746.4040881493
YMin: 1575004.8480635132
XMax: 3400629.1305881147
YMax: 1808342.1482259734
Spatial Reference: 102654
Full Extent:
XMin: 3149115.2117335345
YMin: 1621962.0039178454
XMax: 3271715.9005797664
YMax: 1728997.559967441
Spatial Reference: 102654
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Untitled.aprx
Comments: Aurora GIS Open Data web service
Subject: Aurora GIS Open Data web service
Keywords: OpenData
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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